Posts by Mr. McClung
In Mr. McClunghis Version 4 Post (2011-2012)he talks about how he only learned two things that year teaching. I believe that he learned two very important things that all teachers need to focus on. I have always thought that letting the students have fun was the most important thing while teaching, and of course it would challenge me to find new and interesting things to get the students to engage in class discussions and other activities. I want to be a fun teacher that all the students want to take. I want to be creative and affect my students in their educational journey. I believe that I will have o stay focused in giving the students what they need and deserve so I wont become one of the lazy teachers that stick to the ritual lesson plans that Mr. McClunghis talks about.
In the first year Mr. McClunghis sent teaching, he noticed that he was focusing to much on the content he was teaching and not spending enough time seeing if the students were actually comprehending what was being taught in the classroom. I think it is very imortant to make sure that the students are understanding the content I am reviewing because if they arent it doesnt matter if I teach all the necessary content or not because they will gain nothing from it.He also believes it is imortant to be flexible in the classroom. All lans you have for a lesson may not work out the way you want them to. You have to just go along with your mistakes, and try to fix the roblems as you go.I dont want to make my students feel stuid because I get mad at them for not being as advanced in a lesson as I think they should be. He talks about how we can discourage our students if we set a standard to high for them that they cant reach, and i definitely dont want to be that teacher. I want to be as reasonable as I can with my students. He also talks about not being afraid of technology. Technology is here to hel us, not harm us. I will admit that since Ive been in this class I have become a lot more comfortable with using technology.I can honestly say that I agree with him about the teacher listening to the student being imortant. I always feel more comfortable in a class when a teacher listens to my oinions and tries to get to know me. When a teacher acts like they are to imortant to have conversations with their students, it makes students hate that teacher and dread doing any work they assign(at least thats how I feel about it). He ends his blog ost by saying Never Stop Learning. As a teacher I believe that we can learn just as much from our students, if not more, as what we teach them. Why would our students want to hear what we have to say if we dont listen to them?
"...Mr. McClunghis sent teaching,..." This should be... Mr. McClung spent teaching...
ReplyDelete"... All lans you have for a lesson..." plans, not lans
" go.I dont want to make my students feel stuid..." You need a space after the period; dont should be don't; stuid should be stupid.
"...standard to high for them that they cant reach, and i definitely dont want..." to, not too; can't, not can't; I, not i; don't not dont
" here to hel us, not harm us. I will admit that since Ive been...; " help, not hel; space after the period; I've, not Ive
"...listens to my oinions and tries to get to know me...." opinions, not onions
"...acts like they are to imortant to have conversations with their students, it makes students hate that teacher and dread doing any work they assign(at least thats how I feel about it). He ends his blog ost..." too, not to; important, not imortant; you need a space after assign; post, not ost
"...we have to say if we dont listen to them?" don't, not dont
Unsatisfactory. Too many errors (21 I think), all of which could have been corrected by PROOFREADING!
Like Dr. Strange pointed out, it is important to proof read. I do agree that I have also learned to be more comfortable with technology due to this class. Kudos to Dr. Strange!