The cartoon by John T. Spencer is basically saying that you get what you pay for. This does not only go for pens, but for things such as laptops, TV’s, or anything for that matter. Like the cartoon says, if you buy the cheap version of a product it will break faster because it is made of a cheaper material, and you will spend more money if you keep replacing the item. The comic reminded me of the Mac and PC commercials. Macs are more expensive, but you get what you pay for. The PC costs less and breaks more easily.

Why Were Your Kids Playing Games?
The post Why Were Your Kids Playing Games? by Mr. Spencer talks about how he got in trouble with his principal over laying games in the classroom. The principal wanted the teacher to focus on teaching his students memorization so that they would be able to pass tests. The teacher wanted his class to be engaged in the classroom instead of the routine of just memorizing and forgetting. I hoe when I become a teacher my boss doesn't force me to only focus on the kids memorizing the material for their tests.
Capturing Reality
Ok, I chose the post Capturing Reality because it seemed really cool to me. The man started out by having a conversation with his daughter about taking a picture. His daughter asks why her dad had to take a picture of them instead of just letting the memory run free. Her dad explained so that they can remember that moment forever. The post shifts with the father talking to another man about why we should or should not use cameras. The father explained he liked to capture moments so he could remember them forever, but the other man explained how if we take pictures then we are missing out on memories because we are behind the camera. I thought this post was just very interesting. I liked it a lot.
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
I really enjoyed this post. At my school, all electronic devices were banned so I didn't have much practice with them. My parents believed that all the new technology would do is let me find new ways to sneak around and do things behind their back. It definitely affected me when it came to knowing how to do things in college. I wish I would have been more exposed to these things at a younger age.