Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blog Post #15 Final Reflection

In my first Blog post that I ever created I talked about the type of teacher that I wanted to become, as well as the way that I wanted to teach my class. Since I have been in EDM 310 my views have somewhat varied. I said in my first blog post that I wanted my students to feel comfortable in their learning environment and feel like they could be free to try and learn things in their own way. I did say that I would allow my students to use Kindles, iPads, laptops or any smart devices they needed to do their work, but since I have taken this class I believe I should make using these things a requirement for my class. I said that students may have to use Smart Boards or other electronic devices to go over reports or present speeches. Now, I would require students to give their oral book reports and presentations through Smart Board. I may make them video themselves, using iMovie, giving their oral report and pull it up on the Smart Board in class so everybody could watch, and I would make them create a power point that they could pull up on the Smart Board to present to the class. I would like for my students to use Blogger to talk about books, poetry, etc. that they learned in my class, and converse with other people through blogs to talk about the knowledge they have attained.

technology in the classroom

I did talk about using the lecture method of teaching in my class in my first blog post. I said that my students could take notes while I lectured them. Since I have been in EDM 310 I would like to use a variety of methods. I want my students to be engaged in the classroom. I really like using group work. I believe students have the opportunity to learn from each other while having fun if they are in groups. I also would like to try giving my students assignments online where they read, research, and learn the material on their own before I even begin to attempt to teach it to them. I would also like to try and give my students their work online through a certain online tool that would allow me to see how many hours the kids are putting in and spending on each assignment. I would also like to give my students tests online if it were possible for the school I will be working for. I am very interested in using the the Q.U.I.V.E.R.S. method of teaching created by Mr. Paul Anderson. This method is where you start out by asking your students an intriguing question that grasps the students attention, the students investigate and experiment on the topic, you show the students interesting videos or clips on the topic, elaborate on the topic now that the students are engaged in the lesson, individually or in small groups ask the students review questions about the lesson, and finally give a summary quiz on the material taught if all the students do well on the review questions. I want my students to gain knowledge from being in my class. I do not want to teach my students just so they p have to learn it!


Fianl Reflection

C4K April

kid blogging

#9 Emily C.

Emily lives in Nebraska, and she thinks it is a good place to live. There are a lot of interesting things about Nebraska. Like how they invented kool aid, and they have a roller skate and sod (grass) museum. They have the largest hand planted forest in the world. They have the largest indoor rainforest in the world, along with the second largest indoor desert in the world, which can both be found in the Henry Doorly Zoo. Their cash crops are corn and soybeans. Soybeans can be made into many things such as fuel, animal feed, paint, and crayons, also milk. Some of the things you use could be from soy. Their state bird is the western meadowlark. All of the facts I listed about Nebraska is what I learned from reading Emily's post; she did an amazing job, and I learned a lot from reading her post.

C4K #9 Mitchell's Blog

Mitchell's Blog basically was just an introductory post. He gave a lot of facts abouthimself so readers could get to know him better. He said he would use the blog to post things he is learning in school. He loves food, sports, and his family. His favorite color is red. From reading his post I believe he is also in a wheelchair. He did a good job!

Project # 13 Collaborative Tools Report


I was in a group (3 Ladies and a Guy) to work on project #15 with the following members:Jarrod Roberts, Farrah Deese, and Nikki Rae Mooney. We used Google Docs and Facetime collaboratively to meet the requirements for this assignment. These technological tools allowed us to communicate back and forth with one another in an simple way. Google Docs allowed us to view information, during times it was conveniant for us, that our group members added throughout the day. Google Docs also allowed me to add my own information along with the information my group members where they could see it just by opening the document on their computer. Facteime allowed us to demonstrate face to face with each other on the sections of the video where we would be recorded. These tools were very beneficial in conducting our EDM310 MythBusters.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Final Report On PLN

EDM310 has opened my eyes on how to use my PLN. I can add new resourses to my PLN whenever I want. It is easy to use, and it is very helpful. I like using Google Docs; it has been helpful for this class and even other classes. I like how I can add other people, like other educators. It expands on who all I can reach out to and ask for help from for my students. I will definitely continue using my PLN after this class. I will also suggest to others that they should try it to make their lives easier.